The 3 GA4 Updates Most Relevant To eCommerce Stores
There have been a few major changes with GA4 in the past few weeks which are relevant to eCommerce stores. I've released some brand new updated lessons in GA4 for eCommerce and summarised the changes for you below.
3 ways to use GA4 to help your eCommerce store grow
So you're hopefully setup on GA4. But are you using it?
If you're not, here are 3 ways you can start gaining insights to boost your revenue.
Universal Analytics is shutting down - here's what you need to be doing right now
This is not a drill. Last Friday, Google emailed us all with a reminder that Universal Analytics ('UA') will be sunsetting on 1 July 2023. Some of us wondered whether this deadline might be extended, but if you're not one to take chances with your online business, it's time to get busy preparing for this major change. Here's what you should be doing.
4 Reasons You Should Be Moving To GA4 Now
Google released their latest version of Google Analytics in October 2020 and called it GA4. None of us took much notice - we don't have time for change and trusty old Universal Analytics was working just fine. Well, I'm here to tell you that if you have an eCommerce store, it's time to get cracking on GA4 and here's why:
5 Common Questions about GA4 and your eCommerce store
A lot changes in eCommerce and digital marketing, very quickly. When you're managing an eCommerce business, it can be hard to find the time to keep up with new platforms such as Google Analytics 4, even when we know they'll be integral to our business in the future. I asked a few clients and colleagues what their top questions on GA4 were and I'm here to answer them for you, in a short read.
Google Analytics 4: How to setup on Shopify (the right way)
Lately it seems digital marketers can't catch a break - now Google has recently announced that they will be sunsetting Universal Analytics on July 1 2023, which gives us just over 12 months to prepare. This means any Shopify store with a Universal Analytics account should be setting up on GA4 as soon as possible to minimise disruption and reduce manual handling of data between the two versions of the platform.